January Fly of the Month- Jujubee Midge / Juju Baetis

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HTU member, Adam Koontz, picked the Jujubee Midge / Juju Baetis for fly of the month. They’re both basically the same fly, except that the baetis has a tail. Charlie Craven invented the Jujubee Midge over twenty years ago when he was guiding on the South Platte River. This is what he has to say about the fly. “Midge larva and pupae are so prevalent that it is never a bad bet to start off with one on your day astream. I find Jujubees particularly effective in the winter and spring, but have had several mid-summer trips saved by my old reliable Juju. And because I’m sure you’re wondering, the Jujubee got its name from my daughter, Julie, who I’ve called Jujubee since birth. It all starts to make sense now… “. Tie up ten of your own version and bring them to the January meeting.