Whippany River Clean Up on 9/24

We will be particpating in a Whippany River Clean up this Saturday, 9/24 at 9am.  If you can make it, we will be there with signage and it would be great to have a stong turnout.  There will be a bbq after for all.

The address to use is 5 Burnham Pkwy if you will be using your GPS. 

Hacklebarney getting the job done!

Hacklebarney getting the job done!

Rockaway River Partnership. Clean up on 10/9 at Jackson Ave Park

If you havent read the news, we have a new partnership with Potbelly's Riverside Cafe of Rockaway to help steward the Rockaway River.

There are lots of people who care about this river and together, we will make great strides to keep this potential gem in tip top shape.

To get us started, we will be doing our first clean up on October 9th.  Please mark this on your calendar and pull your weight for the chapter.  We all may love to fish, but we have to back up that love with boots on the ground when we are needed.

Hacklebarney will be meeting the many community Volunteers at the Jackson Ave River Park in the parking lot.

This new partnership with Potbelly's was big enough to get an article in the Daily Record.  If you would like to read the article, and you should, it can be found here

So make sure to come out for the 9th annual Potbelly's Rockaway River clean-up!

This Thursday Night - Tim Flagler

The ever popular hippy and former Summit resident will be speaking to our chapter this Thursday in Whippany.  It goes without saying that Tim is one of the most popular speakers we have and always comes with blazing six shooters (or should I say a brand new topic every time).

This presentation will be on early fall fishing.  

See you in Whippany this Thursday at 7:30.  Bring some cash so you can buy me a beer.

Tim at the bench, probably listening to the Dead in the background.

Tim at the bench, probably listening to the Dead in the background.

Good News for Hacklebarney and for me

There was a board meeting last night.  There were a few votes.  I'll reveal one to you and you will have to wait until Thursday for the other two.

The one I will reveal is that Eric Frie will be taking over the website duties as soon as he is up to speed.

Besides being one of the chapter's youngest members, Eric has proven himself and I will feel good about him leading on this new endeavor.

For me, it will be nice to read someone else's comments and not have to come up with witty slander on my own. 

See you Thursday.